
Jacob Wilhelm Imhof

Historia Italiæ et Hispaniæ Genealogica

  • on sale at € 22,00 instead of € 88,00 until 31/12/2024 (75% Discount)

This work deals with the genealogies of those great European Houses supposed by Imhof to be descending from the Lombard King Desiderius (Berengarici, Counts of Borgogna, Kings of Castiglia and Leòn, of Aragon and of Spain, Aragonese Kings of Naples, Noroña, Enrìquez, Manuel, Cerda, San Martino, Visconti and Sforza) along with those of other illustrious Italian and Spanish families (Aragona, Este, Acquaviva, Archinto, Barbiano, Benavides, Borromeo, Caetani, Capua, Carafa, Aquino, Acuña, Avalos, Barberini, Boncompagni, Borghese, Cantelmo, Caracciolo, Cerda e Chigi).

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