
Stemmario Trivulziano

Edited by Carlo Maspoli

  • on sale at € 225,00 instead of € 250,00 until 31/12/2024 (10% Discount)

Probably the most renowned of the Italian Renaissance armorials among scholars and art historians, this princely illuminated manuscript - probably a work by Gian Antonio da Tradate - is conserved in the Biblioteca Trivulziana at the Castello Sforzesco, Milan. This codex dates back to the early years of the condottiere Francesco Sforza as Duke of Milan (1450-66), having married Bianca Maria, the heir of the last Duke of the Visconti family, Filippo Maria, a natural daughter of him and Agnese del Majno; it reproduces - along with the armorials bearing of the members of the Ducal Family and their imprese - a couple of thousa... Read more