
Stemmario Genovese Orsini De Marzo

Edited by Niccolo' Orsini De Marzo

  • on sale at € 243,00 instead of € 270,00 until 31/12/2024 (10% Discount)

This important manoscript is the work of Odoardo Gandusio and was bought in 1694 by the Genoese Patrician Gian Agostino Botti (Botta). This codex is divided essentially in two parts: the first one, cotaining historical notices and lists of Anziani, consules, ambassadors, podestà, ecclesiastics, noblemen, merchants, artisans, etc., is useful for the historian of the Genoese Republic, and is here reproduced in black and white; the second one, instead, of high heraldic interest and artistic value, displays the coats of arms of as many as 308 Genoese Patrician Families, giving in several cases also more than o... Read more