Stemmario Orsini De Marzo dei Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda (codice araldico del XVII secolo)
Edited by Niccolo' Orsini De Marzo
- on sale at € 6,75 instead of € 27,00 until 31/12/2024 (75% Discount)
Edition of an important Seventeenth Century armorial, likely a copy from a much older one, representing in full color as many as 139 coats of arms of people linked to the Chivalric legend of the Breton Cycle: a rare and very interesting document for better comprehending the symbolic meanings that were traditionally attached to the heraldic bearings, supposed to hint at the phisical and psycological characteristics of the people who used them in their shields.
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Stemmario Orsini De Marzo dei Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda - Alphabetic index of the coats of arms