
Libro de Nobili fatto li 20 agosto 1695. Uno sguardo sul Patriziato Veneto a cavallo tra Sei e Settecento

Edited by Niccolo' Orsini De Marzo

  • on sale at € 21,25 instead of € 85,00 until 31/12/2024 (75% Discount)

Full color reproduction of a late Seventeenth-century manuscript codex describing in detail the composition of all old and lesser old families belonging at that time to the Venetian Patriciate. For each family all the male members are given along with their birth dates, as well as marriages and their issue: infact, this booklet is a sort of pocket Who’s who which, far from being a mere carnet mondain, gave to its reader plenty of information, very useful for the political life of the Venetian aristocratic republic, as marriages forfaiting the strictly endogamic laws of the <>Serenissima bore the consequence of... Read more